Friday, December 23, 2011

Easy Peasy Candy Cane Treat...

While these little gems are quick to make, you do need to leave several hours setting time...but how sweet!
Just take 2 candy canes, unwrap them from their plastic and lay them together on baking paper or foil in the shape of a heart. Give a little press to make them cling to each other...
melt some chocolate (whichever kind you think the recipient would like) and fill the centre...
decorate with sprinkles or small sweets...
leave to set, bag up and tie with a ribbon for a pretty little gift.
*These would also be great for Valentines day - look out for specials on candy canes after Christmas.*
Be warned though - if you have lots of friends/kids to make for, choose the small canes. These ones (from Coles) are quite long and a 200g block of chocolate is only enough to make 5 hearts.
Merry making!

P.S. "Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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